Interview with Daniel Valera by Spanish TV News

When there is a willingness, success in preserving the environment is possible. That same spirit of willingness and commitment is what guides us towards sustainability in our projects.

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July 2020



The Antena 3 News team interviewed our creative director and founder, Daniel Valera, last week, and together they visited some of the projects designed by Dstudio over the past year. As they toured the gardens, the reporters discussed with our director the relationship between green spaces and environmental care.

"When there is a willingness, success in preserving the environment is possible. That same spirit of willingness and commitment is what guides us towards sustainability in our projects."

Valera answered questions about different types of environmental impact that gardens can have, including CO2 emissions during project implementation. A good garden, while still being responsible with water consumption, can offset its carbon footprint and that of the building itself. To achieve this, when choosing plant species, it is important to understand the needs of each space and client, but it is also important to promote the use of native species that consume less water, always guided by design, functionality, and sustainability, concepts that are not incompatible in our landscape architecture studio.

He also commented on the importance of certain actions against climate change, citing the case of the Montreal Protocol, celebrated every September 16th on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. This protocol has already begun to bear fruit with the slow recovery of the ozone layer since the ban on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), becoming an example that, when there is a willingness, success in preserving the environment is possible. That same spirit of willingness and commitment is what guides us towards sustainability in our projects.